Mr. Hideaki Otaka

Mr. Hideaki Otaka
AYF Honorary President
Mr. Otaka joined Toyota upon graduating from the Faculty of Law at the University of Tokyo in 1965 and spent nearly his entire career in international operations. After serving as Executive Vice-President of the Toyota Labour Union in the 1970s, Mr. Otaka worked six years in Toyota Motor Sales in Washington, responsible for government affairs, and then in Los Angeles responsible for product PR in the 1980s.
He was General Manager of Global Marketing as well as Sales and Production Planning in the 1990s, and was named to Toyota`s Board of Directors overseeing global business.
Mr. Otaka served as the President and CEO of Toyota Motor North America from 2004-2006, prior to which he was President and CEO of Delphys. the marketing and advertising arm of Toyota.
Currently, Mr. Otaka serves as a Board Member of Key Safety Systems (America) and was previously the Vice-Chairman of the Pasona Group, Inc. where he also had responsibility for leading the Awaji Youth Federation along with the other members of the senior management team.